BF2CC is used to launch and remotely control the Battlefield 2 Dedicated Server. Download and unpack BF2CC in the directory of your choice (eg. C:\Program Files\BF2CC).

BF2CC Client Version 1.4.2446 Download


  Battle Recorder Setup


Log into your BF2CC client software and click on the Demo & URLs tab.

Click in the box to the left of Auto Record Demo to activate this feature.

Set the Demo Quality to 2. The higher this value is, the better the quality of the recording will be. Better quality also means larger file sizes.

You will need to create a folder on your web hosting server (not on your game server) where the demo files will be stored. If you do not yet have a web hosting server (and domain name), we recommend that you get the Baby Croc plan at Hostgator.

Enter the URL to this folder on the Demo Index URL line and on the Demo Download URL line.

If your game server is Windows based, enter "adminutils/demo/rotate_demo.exe" in the Auto Demo Hook field. If your server is Linux based, enter "adminutils/demo/" on this line.

Save your changes.



Next, you will need to edit the rotate_demo.cfg file to complete the setup for Battle Recorder. This file is located in the root directory of the Battlefield 2 installation. You may need to contact the Support Staff of your game server hosting company to edit this file for you if you do not have direct access to this file.

Note: Do not edit the rotate_demo.exe or files on your game server. If you do not see the rotate_demo.cfg file, then contact the Support Staff to complete this step for you.

You will need to provide the Support Staff member with the following information:

file_limit = 15 (if your demo files are small, you can increase this value to about 30 or 40)

target_root = /html/  (use as shown if your demos folder is in the root of your domain) If you have additional directories above the demos folder, include them also. For example: /html/foldername/

use_ftp = 1

ftp_target_dir = /html/demos  (use as shown if your demos folder is in the root of your domain). If you have additional directories above the demos folder, include them also. For example: /html/foldername/demos

You will also need to provide the FTP login info to the Support Tech. For the ftp_server line you must use the IP address and not the domain name.

Your ftp_user will probably look like an email address. For example:

You must also provide your ftp account password.

Once the Support Tech has edited this file for you, you will need to restart your game server for the changes to take effect.



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